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Cover design by Galina Popova

Sergey Letov, Alexei Borisov, D.A. Prigov. Concert at the club project o.g.i

otdelenie"vyhod" В 168
Released: 2002

Letov - Borisov - Prigov in old o.g.i. Booklet, 1-4 pages
booklet, 1-4 pages

Letov - Borisov - D.A. Prigov in the old clu b o.g.i. Booklet 2-3 pages Letov - Borisov - D.A. Prigov в о.г.и.

2-3 booklet pages

Letov - Borisov - Prigov in the old o.g.i. CD

Letov - Borisov - Prigov in old o.g.i. CD

Letov - Borisov - Prigov in the old o.g.i. Tray

Letov - Borisov - Prigov in old o.g.i. Tray

web-master: Sergey Letov